December 2023

God is infinitely patient. He will not push himself into our lives. He knows the greatest thing he has given us is our freedom. If we want habitually, even exclusively, to operate from the level of our own reason, he will respectfully keep silent. We can fill ourselves with our own thoughts, ideas, images, and feelings. He will not interfere. But if we invite him with attention, opening the inner spaces with silence, he will speak to our souls, not in words or concepts, but in the mysterious way that Love expresses itself- by presence.



Sharing silence is a profound act of trust, love, and courtesy It is a mutual gift, a necessity, a helping hand, a path, and a discipline.



Prayer Invitation to Experience God’s Transforming Presence in Solitude and Silence (from Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Burton)

Dallas Willard quotes Blaise Pascal as saying that "all the unhappiness of man arises from the single fact that they cannot stay quietly in their room, so they turn to diversions to distract themselves." That's a pretty bold statement! He goes on to say that even when we attempt to rest, we are confused and "aim at rest through excitement"-in other words, through more stimulation. How do you see evidence of this in our culture and in your own life

Acknowledging the "inner demons" or flesh patterns of desire to perform, to be seen as competent, productive, culturally relevant and balanced as major obstacles in journey to trust God. At the same time, there is great delight of being invited by God to greater intimacy and more and more often the delight is overpowering the flesh. What are the flesh patterns you notice in your own life that prevent you from entering into solitude and silence? How are you experiencing God's invitation to you in the midst of these challenges?

Read the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 19:1-12

Closing Silence. Take a moment or two in silence to reflect on what you have shared and received this year. Experience your gratitude for what God has done in 2023. Listen for any encouragement, instruction, guidance or invitation that the Holy Spirit is impressing on your heart and claim what you want to take with you into the next year.

Praise and Thanksgiving

  • GenFree has had an amazing year of LEARNING, CONNECTING and DISCIPLING those who love young generations.

  • We have had 2 great GenFree Intensives where God brought together many communities through the lives of over 50 PARTICIPANTS who were trained, loved, networked and resourced to be a light in their hometowns and churches.

  • The vision of reaching and discipling 13–24-year-olds has been shared all over the world this past year, cultivating interest, investment, and unity throughout the body of Christ.

  • We received donations this year from over 16 individuals/foundations to develop discipleship resources for young generations.

  • The website, testimonials, resources and team members created this year has been Spirit-led, impactful, and catalytic in moving us forward toward exponential growth in reaching young people.


  • Rest, recovery, and renewal for all those who have been involved in the many activities within GenFree this year.

  • Pray for a beautiful time of intimacy and growth in the families of all our leaders during the holidays!

  • NEW Bible study and Journey Groups

    • Identity Groups – these are small group studies that will be highly relational and based on the Who I Am in Christ Devotional identity statements. Participants from 2023 Intensives are invited to attend, learn relational skills, network, and keep connections with others who have attended a GenFree Intensive

      Unstuck Bible Study – this is an online course we are developing for adults and young generations to participate together. Our hope is to pilot this focused study for young generations

  • We have 6 adults who have begun the process to become GenFree Specialist!

    • Pray as the GF Team reviews applications, conducts interviews, and seeks the Lord in His will and direction for the building of the GF network of resources for young generations

  • Revision and Rebranding of Steps booklet for Young Persons and GenFree bookmarks

  • Planning for the 2024 calendar year

  • Care and Training Events focused on Young Generations planning in 2024

  • Continued Donations for funding curriculum, resources, digital resources, and graphic animations, etc.        


January 2024


November 2023